Upcoming webinars and virtual roundtables

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As working from home has become the new normal for most people, there are still many opportunities for advisers and investors to cut through the noise and hear insights from some of the best investment managers and research teams from a range of webinars and virtual roundtables being hosted online every day.

BetaShares – Navigating the virus crisis series 

This session will be led by David Bassanese, BetaShares chief economist, and Blair Modica, BetaShares director – adviser business. They will discuss the economic implications of COVID-19, an update on global and domestic equity markets, strategies using ETFs to reduce portfolio risk and ETF options for investors looking for potential growth opportunities.

When: Thurs, 21 May 2020
Time: 10:00 am AEST

InnerCircles Virtual Roundtables

InnerCircles are independently moderated, thought-leading conversations about current and pressing opportunities and investment issues on the horizon. InnerCircles are free to attend and have been developed to allow participants to gain insights, provide input, interact with industry professionals and accelerate understanding. They have a unique format with 5-6 thought leaders, one expert, an IN-house moderator, 3 IN-house topics and 5 attendee questions.

Invesco – Distressed Credit: A generational opportunity to make a difference

Paul Triggiani managing director and head of distressed credit at Invesco will discuss whether stressed debt markets are the next trillion-dollar opportunity.


Thursday, 28 May

Tuesday, 2 June

Thursday, 4 June

Federation Asset Management Series

Cameron Brownjohn chief executive of Federation is hosting a series of InnerCircles discussing a range of topics including social housing as an investment, renewables, private equity and managing capital.

Opportunities in Social Housing for Investors

When: Wednesday, 27 May

Making Money in Renewables, 2020 and Beyond

When: Wednesday, 3 June

Today’s Opportunity Set in Private Equity

When: Wednesday, 17 June

How an Investment Bank Manages its Own Capital

When: Wednesday, 24 June

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